Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Life That Was Imagined!

What a task! We are given the task of explaining why David Malouf’s book, “An Imaginary Life,” is important to our study of classical literature. After reading the book, I am completely convinced that it has everything to do with classical literature but I just cannot pin-point what exactly makes it so. The fact that it is based on the life of Ovid is kind of a dead give-away but that is almost too obvious to mention. I enjoyed reading Malouf’s book because of its originality but yet it displayed many of the subjects we discussed in class, such as, the relationship between the old and the young. Ovid as the old man is thrown into exile, forced to re-discover who he is or learn where it is he truly belongs, and the wild child is equally discovering a new world, which he also has been forced into. In the beginning, the old man takes “the Child” under his care and tries to teach him language, an important aspect of Ovid’s life before exile. Words were sustenance to him. He desired to be able to connect to someone through language. The desire to connect was so strong that even spiders speech became intriguing to him.

The aspect of metamorphosis also was woven through out the book which cannot be missed in most or all of Ovid’s tales. Men were constantly morphing into beasts of the wild or birds of the air, as well as, women turning into stone or transforming into trees. In “An Imaginary Life” the child appears to be the main character who transforms but Ovid is constantly rediscovering his purpose which, in itself, is a metamorphosis. He is continually drawn nearer and nearer to nature. Ovid is also experiencing an unspoken connection with “the Child” who is drawing him closer to “the place.” Nature is drawing Ovid closer. He can imagine himself as a lake; feeling the ripple run through his body as the wildlife partakes of his life. The end of his life draws him to the brink of a lake and his transformation into the nature around him.

The past possess the present. In this tale of Ovid, he is constantly remembering his past. The day his brother died, he blames himself for because he took over his brother’s position. He was afraid that he stole the life from his brother as soon as he performed the harvest rituals of the family. He did something wrong and the gods punished him. The gods were everywhere and could be in anyone; even he could some day be a god, once he completely transformed. Everything Ovid did helped to further connect his past with his present. The wild child was a constant reminder to him of the years long ago when he was younger. Is the wild child himself? He was wild. He is wild and needs to learn to tame himself and possibly become someday a god?

“An Imaginary Life” is very important for our class in that it opens our eyes to the present mythological aspects of today’s literature. We do not have to narrow down to books that have a certain date and author, in order, to read about the five conflicts or to see a transformation of a character; those traditions can be read in literature from all ages, we just have to look for it and enjoy!

Monday, March 9, 2009

So, little did I think that I would have a day bad enough to be constituted as "a Bad Day" but I am pretty sure that today (or this week, more like) has been pretty bad. It started on Friday, I had to go to work that evening and I had a little scratchy throat but I thought it was just from all the bad karaoke singing i had been doing in my apartment. By the end of work I could barely stand, i was so sore. On Saturday, I had lost my voice completely. I was unable to talk to customers or communicate with my co-workers. Sunday came around and my voice didn't sound as bad but I began to sneeze all the time; it was at that point I was sure that I had the flu. I have no doubt now, as I lay on the couch with the look of death on my face. I have lost all control of facial functions and receive sympathetic comments from my roommates, who are standing at safe distances from me. Is it really love when they wear masks and spray me with lysol? The only good thing about being sick, actually sick, is being able to call in sick to work...although, i don't get paid for being sick. Why couldn't the flu come over spring break when my mom could have taken care of me? This is when homesickness really kicks-in.
Well, this is my reason for missing class today...I didn't think that anyone would like to sit next to my germ-oozing, sickly frame. Your welcome!
I hope to be well enough to see you all on Wednesday!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Made For Each Other?

One of the hardest terms to define is the word, Love. So many people have tried to express what they felt that it could mean but, at no time, has anyone agreed completely what the meaning is. To some, love is uncontrollable. The little fat cupid randomly chose who was going to fall in love and all they can do is follow that urge. To others, love is not just a feeling but a choice. You choose who you are going to love and there is no random chance about it. Then there is the "other-half" theory. Our whole life is devoted to seeking and finding the other half of our broken coin. This one is a mixture of both former concepts. Those people choose to love that other person whom they feel is their soul mate. In reality, I believe that love, all love, involves choice, no matter, what type of love concept you may think is correct. Each one requires you to choose to believe it is the right one, just like in the Symposium. Each of the characters described how they understood and chose to believe was the correct answer to the question of love.

"Love is in the air." Is love like a spring allergen? Can we catch it and not notice until we start to sneeze uncontrollably and our throats begin to close up from the itchy allergy effects? For some people, love is very painful and sometimes unconvenient. It does not come at the right time or even when feels like when a bum-cousin comes for a visit and you didn't invite them. You love them to death but you kind of resent them for making your live a little bit more complicated. Their love is cupid's little trick on them but they are willing to live with it because well, it is love. Then there are those sickeningly lovey-dovey types who make you want to gag. Every moment in their relationship is a testament of love even the little things; such as, they both like to sit down. "It's like we were made for each other!!! (giggle)"

We can't escape from love, either. It is in everything and everywhere. All movies from action adventure, comedy and even some kids movies have someone falling in love. Most songs are about love or the heartache of love and there are books, upon books, upon books...upon book that help us understand and deal with issues of the heart. We all have to deal with that issue, whether it is love of others, love of things, or love of self. Begin with a rock. Or should it be, begin with self? Some would say that once you learn to love yourself then you can learn to love the things and people around you; then again, some people have too much love for themselves. Where does it end? Can it ever end or are we creatures that are made to love and be loved? If you take a person away from all forms of human contact and emotions they will slowly die; even if they have plenty of food and are kept safe, they will die from want of love. Man was not made to live alone.